Wednesday 18 November 2009

Geography Home work

                                          Child labour
Where is it ?
All over the world
As you can see on this map  children crisis is all over the world 
Who to blame ?
Some say the government some say the factories and some say brands Such as NIKE and GAP but it not all them there are over high street brands that hire small children abroad
Well there is obvious reason for it is because it is cheap to hire them in L.E.D.C. s because families struggle for money so every one is trying to earn some money
Solution to avoiding child labour .
Well there are some solution , there lots of campaigns and charities  against child labour some Brands said “We do everything we can to stop child labour and sweatshops ,but it is never enough”
Just how bad is it ?
There are now over 72 million children out there who don’t have any sort of education , the t-shirts they make cost here at an average of 30 pounds but some children, Get paid vary low which is hardly anything.

Tuesday 17 November 2009


Hey sammy

if you look to your right i can track you   >>>>>>>>


eat that brendan you cant comment here